Comgrow CNC Router/Engraver Machine

Picture cortesy of the Comgrow Company

My assembled machine.

On February 5, 2022 I received the Comgrow Robo CNC Router kit. I had looked at the kits of this type of router for several years.
though I own a Sherline CNC I needed a work table a bit larger than what the Sherline provided. Upon finding the Comgrow Router I did
research on other machines that are available. One thing that sold me on the machine was that the table didn't move. The machine has a gantry
style movement which I prefer. I haven't checked but believe there is more travel in the "Y" axis than on the other so called router machines.
The second thing I like about the machine is the fact that the lead screw is protected from the cutting chips. As of this writing I'm quite happy
with the machine although I was a bit frustrated when I began running it. I had a few issues that were operator error plus not knowing the
machines parameter settings. I will add links to internet sites where pertinent information can be found. It took several hours of video searches
to find some decent information on this machine. I hope that I can gather it all here to make operating this machine fun. I will also put up
information on tools and fixtures that will improve this machines usability.
As of September 1, 2024 I've had this machine 2½ years. I've made some tooling for it which I will present here.
The bad news is that it is no
longer manufactured. I'll be using the machine for projects that can use it's capabilities. If and when it decides to not
function any more it
will be decommissioned and another similar one will be sought out to replace it.