Electric Boxcab

I needed some small engines for the "to be" quarry. I've always liked electrics so I went on the hunt on the net to see
what the prototype railroads had done, plus I had some idea from magazine articles. This is what I came up with. My inspiration came from several places. The Gazette ran a
couple of scratchbuild articles on electric boxcabs. Another was a Japanese modeler by the name of Junior Yamachi.
This project was started back in 2016. As of this update (10-30-22) Junior Yanachi is no longer on the interent since none of his links work anymore.
NOTE:Click on picture to enlarge. Click back button on your browser to return to this page.

The models not quite finished.

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These are the prototype electric locomotives that were the inspiration for the models.
The models are "protolanced", an imaginary locomotive based on the real thing.
I was originally going to scratchbuild the chassis but figured I'd never get anything built if I
didn't use something that was already to set a super structure on. I came across these somehow.
I took some basic dimensions from the chassis and drew a couple of rectangles in my CAD program, printed it out
and cut out the center to fit over the chassis. I drilled holes in the corners and used a fret saw to cut out the center.
There are tabs on the side of the chassis that need to be shaved off to make the frame bottom fit over the motor.
Test fit of the brass chassis.
Using CAD I drew up a cardboard mock up of the boxcab.
Quarter for size comparison.