HOn2½ Box Cabs - "The Twins"

construction sign

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Squeeze hard with the tweezers and apply heat.

Then it's the ends of the roof. I always start at the middle so the tubing won't unsolder from the roof ribs. If they do, nothing will move.

Next the roof gets placed on the shell and the first bend
is made to curve the roof down. The chassis has been removed so it doesn't get damaged. It takes quite a bit
of pressure to start the bend. The shell flew out of my
hands a couple of times.

A quick check shows it's starting bend down.
Not to detectable in the picture.

Next I worked the bend with a piece of dowel stock until
I was satisfied with the radius of the bend.

The left side of the roof overhang is a bit longer than the right. A simple file job will take care of that till the sides are even.

And the end result, two boxcabs.

Up next is to cut out a sliding door detail from .010" thick stock. That's what the second window opening is for. A print out of the doors is made so I can manually cut out the doors with a fret saw.

Glued the print to the brass plate and drilled holes for cutting out the windows. It was easier to drill the holes with a full piece of brass than trying to drill out the windows after cutting out the doors.

Using a fret saw I cut out the doors. I didn't follow
the lines. It's easier to cut wide of the line and
then file to the line.